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Viking Objects

Copper-Alloy Die Stamp (DENO-698D71)

A copper-alloy die, known as Hiddensee-Rügen type, used for making pressed silver or gold sheet appliqués, which were applied to the back-plate of pendants or used as a base for filigree and granulation work.

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Viking Designs

Drawing of a Polyhedral Weight

This drawing is of a polyhedral weight of a type that the Vikings adopted from Middle Eastern cultures and brought back to Europe with them. These weights are very common on Viking Age sites.

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Viking Objects

Reproduction Equal-Armed Brooch

A reproduction of an equal-armed brooch in the Borre style found in Nottinghamshire. This style of brooch is known from Birka in Sweden, suggesting trade contacts or individuals from Birka arriving in the East Midlands. Brooches were a typical part of female dress. Scandinavian brooches came in a variety of sizes and shapes which included disc, trefoil, lozenge, equal-armed, and oval shapes. The different brooch types served a variety of functions in Scandinavian female dress with oval brooches typically being used as shoulder clasps for apron-type dresses and the rest being used to secure an outer garment to an inner shift. Anglo-Saxon brooches do not match this diversity of form with large disc brooches being typical of ninth century dress styles with smaller ones becoming more popular in the later ninth and tenth centuries. However, since disc brooches were used by both Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian women they are distinguished by their morphology. Scandinavian brooches were typically domed with a hollow back while Anglo-Saxon brooches were usually flat. Moreover, Anglo-Saxon brooches were worn singly without accompanying accessories.

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Viking Objects

Tongue-Shaped Strap-End (DENO-1268B3)

An incomplete, copper-alloy strap-end with anthropomorphic designs. These types of strap-ends were popular in both Scandinavia and on the Carolingian continent between the 9th and 10th centuries and were regularly used to embellish baldrics. Strap-ends came in various styles and were fairly common throughout the Viking world. They were used to decorate the ends of belts and to stop them getting damaged.

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Viking Objects

Expanded-Head Pin (1986/975-AE86)

A copper-alloy pin found at the site of the Little Chester Roman fort. This loose find was found on top of a Roman metalled surface. It has a lozenge-shaped head that is typically Anglo-Scandinavian, but the lack of a secure finds context and its proximity to a Roman surface indicates that it could be Roman.

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Viking Designs

Drawing of Copper Alloy Disc Brooch

Drawing of a copper alloy, gilded brooch with a zoomorphic design. Brooches were a typical part of female dress. Scandinavian brooches came in a variety of sizes and shapes which included disc, trefoil, lozenge, equal-armed, and oval shapes. The different brooch types served a variety of functions in Scandinavian female dress with oval brooches typically being used as shoulder clasps for apron-type dresses and the rest being used to secure an outer garment to an inner shift. Anglo-Saxon brooches do not match this diversity of form with large disc brooches being typical of ninth century dress styles with smaller ones becoming more popular in the later ninth and tenth centuries. However, since disc brooches were used by both Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian women they are distinguished by their morphology. Scandinavian brooches were typically domed with a hollow back while Anglo-Saxon brooches were usually flat. Moreover, Anglo-Saxon brooches were worn singly without accompanying accessories.

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Viking Designs

Drawing of an Urnes-Style Mount

A drawing of a cast copper alloy sword fitting with Urnes-style decoration.

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Viking Objects

Imitation Finger Ring (NLM-D675CA)

This finger ring bears stamped decoration imitating the Scandinavian ring and dot pattern which is bordered by incised crossing diagonals of a saltire. The ring- and dot-style of decoration was briefly adopted by inhabitants of Anglo-Saxon settlements such as Cottam in Yorkshire and Flixborough in Lincolnshire.

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Viking Objects

Possible Knife End-Cap (NARC-D16C22)

A cast copper alloy object with Anglo-Scandinavian zoomorphic decoration resembling an end-cap from a knife or dagger handle. It has been suggested that the decoration is, in fact, Viking Jelling-style decoration from the tenth century.

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Viking Objects

Copper-Alloy Strap-End (NLM-B633CE)

The decoration on this cast copper-alloy strap-end involves a series of deep longitudinal grooves which may actually represent previous damage. If decorative, the object is similar to Thomas Class E Type 3 strap ends whose distribution generally falls in the eastern Danelaw and around the Irish Sea. Strap ends came in various styles and were fairly common throughout the Viking world. They were used to decorate the ends of belts and to stop them getting damaged.

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