Viking Objects
Reproduction Brooch with Backwards-Facing Beast
A reproduction of a copper alloy disc brooch featuring a backwards-facing beast motif. This style of brooch would have been an everyday item rather than a high status one. For more information on Scandinavian jewellery in England check out our blog: Brooches, Pendants and Pins: Scandinavian Dress Accessories in England.
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Viking Objects
Trefoil Brooch (LEIC-33DBDC)
Trefoil brooches were characteristically Scandinavian women’s wear. However, many examples found in the East Midlands were probably made in the Danelaw, and may have been copies of Scandinavian styles, instead of being imported from Scandinavia. The presence of Borre-style interlace on this example classifies it as Maixner’s type E. For more information on Scandinavian jewellery in England check out our blog: Brooches, Pendants and Pins: Scandinavian Dress Accessories in England.
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Viking Objects
Copper-Alloy, Gilded Disc Brooch (LEIC-E7A016)
A copper alloy, gilded brooch with a zoomorphic design in the Borre style. This brooch was probably made in Denmark and brought to England. For more information on Scandinavian jewellery in England check out our blog: Brooches, Pendants and Pins: Scandinavian Dress Accessories in England.