Viking Objects
Reproduction Spade
Spades would have had metal shoes to aid with cutting the ground when digging.
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Viking Objects
Whetstone (NLM-7FA566)
Whetstone fragment, possibly made of slate that looks like ‘phyllite’, where the the broken end of the hone has been sheathed in lead, which has held its parts together. This is an unusual example of the repair of a personal hone so it could be continued to be carried and used after its breakage. The hone would originally have been of a tapered bar-shaped form and was sawn to shape. Hones of this size were personal items to be carried and worn at the belt alongside the knife they sharpened. True ‘phyllite’ hones came from Telemark in Norway, and were among the first imported whetstones of the Viking Age. A range of other banded and coloured stones, many found in graves at Birka, were adapted for similar use, and their fine appearance was as important as their usefulness as sharpening stones.
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Viking Objects
Reproduction Shovel
A reproduction wooden shovel based on fragments found at York.
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Viking Objects
Scythe (NLM-739C96)
Scythes such as this one would have been common agricultural implements. Dr Kevin Leahy comments that while the scythe has a similar shape to other early medieval examples, the lack of a typical bent tang leaves its dating in question.
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Viking Objects
Chisel (NLM-79460E)
This chisel fragment has a wrought-iron V-shaped blade and likely had a socket for attachment to a handle. Socket attachment using sockets made of rolled metal are characteristic of early medieval metal-working.
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Viking Objects
Reproduction Shears
Shears were a common agricultural implement generally used to cut the wool off sheep but could also have been used as scissors in textile production. These are based on a number of originals uncovered during the excavations at Flixborough, Lincolnshire.