Using search
Search tips for Vikings in the East Midlands
Search using keywords
Vikings in the East Midlands can be searched using keywords which will search all content in the website. Advanced search terms can be used in any keyword search. On search results pages you can refine results using filters.
Search using filters
Search results can be narrowed down using filters. You can refine by result ‘type’ and narrow down your results using filters. Adding many filters all at one time may give you 0 results, so may be best to add filters a few at a time. Keyword searches can be used alongside facets to further refine your results.
Saving your search
All searches can be bookmarked using your browser, or you can copy the URL for the search and use the URL to see the same search results at a later date.Breitling Replica watches
Advanced searching
The search on Vikings in the East Midlands uses Lucene Search. Here are some of the common ways to use the advanced features of Lucene search.
Common Lucene syntax
AND, && or +
For example: Brooch && Copper will search for items containing both “Brooch” and “Copper”.
OR or ||
For example: Brooch OR Copper will search for documents containing either “Brooch” or “Copper” or both. Because OR is the default conjunction operator, you could also leave it out, such that Brooch Copper is the equivalent of Brooch OR Copper.
NOT, ! or –
The NOT operator is an exclamation point or the minus sign. For example: Brooch!Copper will search for documents that have the “Brooch” term and/or do not have “Copper”.
Exact phrase
Using “” around words will search for the exact set of words in the same order in documents. For example “copper brooch” would return documents containing those exact words in that order.
Wild card
Find documents containing the words with the prefix “note”, such as “notebook” or “notepad”, specify “note*”
Fuzzy search
Use the tilde “~” symbol at the end of a single word with an optional parameter, a number between 0 and 2 (default), that specifies the edit distance. For example, “blue~” or “blue~1” would return “blue”, “blues”, and “glue”.