Half of a coppe-alloy comb pendant found near Mareham on the hill, Lincolnshire. (c) Portable Antiquities Scheme, CC BY-SA 4.0
Comb Pendant (LIN-DD07D2)
Half of a copper-alloy comb pendant found near Mareham-on-the-Hill, Lincolnshire
The pendant is decorated with two inturned zoomorphic heads executed in Ringerike-style ornament. These comb-shaped pendants are closely paralleled in the area around the Baltic Sea such as northwest Russia, Finland, Latvia and Lithuania, with rare examples from Estonia and Sweden.
Pendants were a popular dress accessory in Norway and Sweden and sometimes were worn with beads between a pair of oval brooches. In England, pendants did not have the same popularity and there do not seem to be any contemporary Anglo-Saxon pendants.