Copper Alloy Pendant (L.A18.1860.0.0)

A copper-alloy pendant found in Leicester, Leicestershire

A Viking-style copper-alloy pendant with zoomorphic and open knotwork interlace design. Pendants were worn as jewellery and came in a variety of shapes and styles showing the influences of the local cultures with whom the Vikings came into contact.

Pendants were a popular dress accessory in Norway and Sweden and sometimes were worn with beads between a pair of oval brooches. In England, pendants did not have the same popularity and there do not seem to be any contemporary Anglo-Saxon pendants.

Object Type



circa 900 — 1100

Ascribed Culture





Viking Objects

Current Location

Jewry Wall Museum, Leicester


copper_alloy, Danelaw Saga, jewellery, Jewry_Wall_Museum, Leicester, Leicestershire, pendant, Viking, women

Further information

You can see the original at Jewry Wall Museum, Leicester.

This object is related to Leicester, Leicestershire.
Find out about Leicester, Leicestershire.


(c) Leicester City Council Arts and Museums, used with permission


Brooches, Pendants and Pins: Scandinavian Dress Accessories in England.

Kershaw, Jane F. Viking identities: Scandinavian jewellery in England. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013), p. 22.