Group A runes were most common in Viking Age Denmark

Old Norse Eileifr (m.)
The Old Norse male personal name Eiláfr/Eileifr is not always to be distinguished from another Old Norse male personal name Eilífr. This is evident in the place-name Elston, Nottinghamshire where the first element is either Eiláfr or perhaps Eilífr.
Eiláfr/Eileifr is an Old Norse compound name with the first element being either Ei- ‘always’ or Ein- ‘one, alone, single’ combined with the second element -leifr/-láfr ‘inheritance’ which when used in a personal name likely has the sense of ‘son’.
This name was frequently used throughout medieval Scandinavia and is attested in Danish place-names and runic inscription, Swedish runic inscriptions, and became common in Norway after 1270. The name occurs in Domesday Book, and later medieval documents, for both Lincolnshire and Yorkshire.
Old Norse Name
- Eileifr
Anglicised Name
- Eileif
- Male
Features in Saga
Borgfirðinga sǫgur. eds Sigurður Nordal and Guðni Jónsson. Íslenzk fornrit III. Reykjavík: Hið íslenzka fornritafélag, 1938, chs 15-16, 32.
Ascribed Culture
- Viking Names
- Lincolnshire, male_name, Nottinghamshire, personal-name, Yorkshire
Further information
This object is related to
Elston, Nottinghamshire.
Find out about Elston, Nottinghamshire.
Lena Peterson, Nordiskt runnamnslexikon: Femte, reviderade utgåvan. Uppsala: Institutet för språk och folkminnen (2007), pp. 260-261.
Gillian Fellows Jensen, Scandinavian Settlement Names in the East Midlands. Copenhagen: Akademisk Forlag (1978), p. 190.
Gillian Fellows Jensen, Scandinavian Personal Names in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire. Copenhagen: Akademisk Forlag (1968), pp. 74-75, 343, 350.
J.E.B. Gover, Allen Mawer and F.M. Stenton, The Place-Names of Nottinghamshire. English Place-Name Society Volume XVII (1940), pp. 212-213.
E.H. Lind, Norsk-isländska dopnamn ock fingerade namn från medeltiden. Uppsala: A.B. Lundequistska Bokhandel (1915), cols 213-215.