Flixborough, Lincolnshire
Flixborough, in the West Riding of Lindsey in Lincolnshire, is a hybrid name from the Old Norse male name Flík and Old English burh ‘a fortified place’.
It is highly likely, in a place-name with Old English burh as the second element, that the Old Norse Flík has replaced an earlier Old English name or element.
An important Anglo-Saxon settlement site has been excavated here.
Ascribed Culture
- Viking Names
- hybrid name, Lincolnshire, male_name, place-name
Further information
This object is related to
Flixborough, Lincolnshire.
Find out about Flixborough, Lincolnshire.
Image © Steve Fareham, via Geograph, CC BY-SA 2.0
Christopher Loveluck and David Atkinson. The Early Medieval Settlement Remains from Flixborough, Lincolnshire: the occupation sequence, c. AD 600-1000. Oxford: Oxbow (2007).
Kenneth Cameron, The Place-Names of Lincolnshire VI. English Place-Name Society Volume LXXVII (2001), pp. 55-56.
Kenneth Cameron, A Dictionary of Lincolnshire Place-Names. Nottingham: English Place-Name Society (1998), p. 45.