Group A runes were most common in Viking Age Denmark

Old Norse Ingiríðr (f.)
Ingiríðr is very common in Norway but less so in Iceland. It is also recorded in Denmark and Sweden. The name is also attested in medieval documents from Lincolnshire and Yorkshire. It is also the first element of the place-name Ingerthorpe, West Yorkshire.
It is an Old Norse compound name with its first element Ingi–, which is of doubtful origin but might relate to a Greek word meaning ‘lance’ or ‘staff’ combined with –fríðr, related to Gothic frījōn ‘to love’, with original meaning ‘loved’, later ‘fair’. In origin it is thus the same name as Ingifríðr.
Old Norse Name
- Ingiríðr
Anglicised Name
- Ingirid
- Female
Features in Saga
Íslendingabók. Landnámabók, ed. Jakob Benediktsson. Íslenzk fornrit I. Reykjavík: Hið íslenzka fornritafélag, 1968, ch. 185.
Ascribed Culture
- Viking Names
- female_name, Lincolnshire, personal-name, West_Yorkshire
Further information
This object is related to
Ingerthorpe, West Yorkshire.
Find out about Ingerthorpe, West Yorkshire.
Judith Jesch, ‘Scandinavian women’s names in English place-names’, in A Commodity of Good Names. Essays in honour of Margaret Gelling, ed. O. J. Padel and David N. Parsons. Donington: Shaun Tyas (2008), pp. 154-162, at p. 159
Carole Hough, ‘Women in English place-names’, in ‘Lastworda Betst’. Essays in memory of Christine E. Fell with her unpublished writings, ed. Carole Hough and Kathryn A. Lowe. Donington: Shaun Tyas (2002), pp. 41-106, at pp. 87, 98.
Gillian Fellows Jensen, Scandinavian Settlement Names in the East Midlands. Copenhagen: Akademisk Forlag (1978), pp. 151, 344, 348.
E.H. Lind, Norsk-isländska dopnamn ock fingerade namn från medeltiden. Uppsala: A.B. Lundequistska Bokhandel (1915), col. 638-640.