
Snarford, Lincolnshire

Snarford, in the Lawress Wapentake of Lincolnshire, is an Anglo-Scandinavian hybrid from the genitive singular form of the Old Norse male personal name Snǫrtri.e. Snartar, and Old English ford ‘a ford’. The ford crossed Barlings Eau and Snarford may have been situated on an ancient line of communication between Lincoln and the Wolds.

Ascribed Culture


Viking Names


ford, hybrid name, Lincolnshire, male_name, place-name, river

Further information

This object is related to Snarford, Lincolnshire.
Find out about Snarford, Lincolnshire.


Kenneth Cameron and John Insley with Jean Cameron, The Place-Names of Lincolnshire VII. English Place-Name Society Volume LXXXV (2010), pp. 109-110.

Kenneth Cameron, A Dictionary of Lincolnshire Place-Names. Nottingham: English Place-Name Society (1998), p. 112.