
Wigtoft, Lincolnshire

Wigtoft, in the Kirton (in Holland) Wapentake of Lincolnshire, is likely an Anglo-Scandinavian compound. The first element is uncertain, but it is probably Old Norse vík ‘a small creek, an inlet, a bay’. The second element is Old English toft ‘a curtilage, the plot of ground in which a dwelling stands’. Wigtoft is situated near Bicker Haven, which was formerly an arm of the sea. 

Ascribed Culture


Viking Names


hybrid name, landscape, Lincolnshire, place-name

Further information

This object is related to Wigtoft, Lincolnshire.
Find out about Wigtoft, Lincolnshire.


Kenneth Cameron, A Dictionary of Lincolnshire Place-Names. Nottingham: English Place-Name Society (1998), p. 138.